LinkedIn Networking and Strategy

Actively develop your brand online and convert those conversations to real-life meaningful relationships.

Expand your network, proactively build your career and convert connections to meaningful relationships.

Together we will....

  • Craft a personal brand that highlights your assets, experience, and value proposition communicated accurately on LinkedIn

  • Identify key relationships within your internal and external network essential to achieving your goals

  • Analyze your LinkedIn stats and figures to measure impact quantitatively

  • Assess your direct and indirect relationships on LinkedIn

  • How to develop a mutually beneficial value proposition for new and current relationships

  • Establish solid strategies to build your network with high-quality relationships

  • Proactively build your career and reputation using LinkedIn

  • Understand and navigate the analytics on the LinkedIn dashboard

  • And much more...

Find 2 colleagues and ask them 1 question

"How would you describe my brand?"

LinkedIn is the #1 platform to create and develop your brand, but most professionals and business owners are lost when it comes to how to do that.

What should I expect from a LinkedIn Networking session?

This is a practical workshop with relevant exercises to build a brand that can convert LinkedIn connections to meaningful real-life relationships and traction.

The concepts we cover will not be stuff you can easily Google and do yourself. In fact, it is strongly encouraged to cover the basic stuff and double with us to take your work to the next level.